Upcoming Dates of Interest:
We have partnered with BSN to open up an Edgemont Apparel Store. Click here to check it out. July 27- Meet your Teacher Night 4:00-7:00 PM August 1- First Day of School School Supply Lists are updated for the 2023-2024 School Year. Click for a link to the lists Ice Cream is sold on Tuesdays/Thursdays. The cost is $1 and the money will be used to supplement STEM activities in classrooms. |
Check us out on Twitter @EdgemontTn
School supply lists are updated. Please Click Here for the lists.
Do you or anyone you know have extra LEGOs, K'Nex, or other building toys that they don't use anymore? Please donate them to Edgemont to help us supplement our STEM Curriculum!
Daily Schedule:
7:30am - School doors open. Upon arrival, students will either report to the Cafeteria for breakfast or report to the Gym for morning Bus Duty.
8:05am- Students released to class.
8:15am - Morning announcements begin.
8:15am - School day begins.
3:00pm - Front doors remain locked for afternoon dismissal.
3:10pm - Afternoon announcements begin.
3:15pm - K-3 car riders dismissed to Cafeteria.
3:20pm - 4-8 car riders dismissed to Gym, K-3 Students dismissed from Cafeteria.
3:25pm - 4-8 car riders dismissed out Gym doors.
3:30pm - Bus riders dismissed.
Do you or anyone you know have extra LEGOs, K'Nex, or other building toys that they don't use anymore? Please donate them to Edgemont to help us supplement our STEM Curriculum!
Daily Schedule:
7:30am - School doors open. Upon arrival, students will either report to the Cafeteria for breakfast or report to the Gym for morning Bus Duty.
8:05am- Students released to class.
8:15am - Morning announcements begin.
8:15am - School day begins.
3:00pm - Front doors remain locked for afternoon dismissal.
3:10pm - Afternoon announcements begin.
3:15pm - K-3 car riders dismissed to Cafeteria.
3:20pm - 4-8 car riders dismissed to Gym, K-3 Students dismissed from Cafeteria.
3:25pm - 4-8 car riders dismissed out Gym doors.
3:30pm - Bus riders dismissed.
In the event of inclement weather please check the Cocke County Schools website at this link. The school closing and delay information will be posted there.
When we come back to school a few things may look different. The videos below will show a few of the changes that will be in place to begin the school year.
Parents! Please make sure you link your Food City Valucard to Edgemont! By doing so you will help our school raise money from your purchases at Food City. This can be done at the register, or by clicking here and entering Edgemont's PLU# 40397. Thank you!
Do you need help with homework? Homework Hotline can help! Click the picture to learn more.